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4.8 ( 3408 ratings )
Obchod Nástroje
Vývojář: Kevin Bruton
2.99 USD

Monitor your 3G Phone usage, Mobile, ISP, Banks, Stocks, Currency, Traffic Cameras, BOM and International Weather and RSS News reader.

★ On Sale: Limited time ★

★ Apple: Best Apps of ALL time! ★
★ Apple: Best Apps of 2010, 2009 ★
★ Apple: Staff Favourite, New and Noteworthy 2010, 2009 ★
★ Sync accounts across iPhone, iPad and OSX versions ★

The only App on the store to offer :-

✔ Dropbox sync across iPhone, iPad and OSX versions
✔ Universal App, works on both iPhone/iPod/iPad
✔ Local Data / Background Alerts / GPS Monitoring
✔ Fastest Load and retrieval usage app on the AppStore
✔ ISP/Mobile Usage with Usage 2D Charts for History
✔ Background Refresh - no need to wait for the app
✔ Community provider add even more functionality
✔ Summary screen - 1 button refresh all accounts
✔ Roll your own provider with our dev kit
✔ Load your own provider via settings screen
✔ Highest security standards of any App
- Variable startup pin support (Hard to guess)
- All parameters stored securely (not just password)
- Only connects to provider via SSL never a 3rd party
- iOS4 allows PIN expiry to ensure PIN is always checked

★ Current Providers - Updated Daily ★

✔ ALL News

Community Providers, Google Reader, Any RSS Feed

✔ ALL Statistics

Google AdSense, Google Analytics, Twitter, DropBox, Stocks/Portfolio Management, Currency Exchange

✔ ALL Weather

Google Weather
NOAA Weather

✔ AUS Bank
Bankwest, CBA (Balance only), NAB, PayPal

aaNet, AAPT, Adam ISP, Amnet,Bigpond, Comcen/Spin, Dodo
Exetel ADSL, Exetel HSPA,Highway 1, iiNet, Internode, iPrimus, MyNetPhone, Netspace ISP, Optus Broadband, Peoples Telecom, TPG Broadbandm, Velocity Internet, Westnet

✔ AUS Leisure
FlyBuys, Tatts Lotto

✔ AUS Mobile
3 Mobile, 3 Prepay, Crazy Johns,Optus Postpay, Optus Prepay, Optus Home, Pennytel, Telstra Billing, Telstra Postpay/iPad sim, Telstra Prepay, TPG Mobile, PAYG, Virgin Postpay, Virgin Prepay, Vodafone Broadband, Vodafone DataOnly, Vodafone Postpay, Vodafone Prepay, Live Connected

All iPad Micro-Sims

✔ AUS News

MacTalk forums, Whirlpool Watched and browse forum, news.com.au, VIC CFA Alerts

✔ AUS Traffic

NSW Traffic Cams, QLD Traffic Cams, VIC Traffic Cams, WA Traffic Cams, Ski Cams

✔ AUS Travel

NSW myE-TolL, NSW Roam, NSW Roam Express, QANTAS FF
QLD Go Card, QLD Go via, Velocity Rewards, VIC Breeze
VIC CityLink, VIC Myki, WA Smartrider

✔ AUS Weather
AWAP Project (Rain,Temp,Vapour,Solar,NDVI)
Current Temp (Local forecast and temp)
MSL Chart Loop (AKA Synoptic)
National Radar (Satellite and Radar)
State Radar Loop (200+ Radars)
Live Wind Charts (Rain,Wind,Atmospheric etc)

✔ Great Britain
O2 Balance, Vodafone Prepay, Vodafone Postpay, London Traffic, Oyster Online

✔ Ireland
O2 Broadband, Vodafone Postpay

✔ Italy
Vodafone Fai Da Te

✔ NewZealand
Telstra Clear, Flybuys, Vodafone Account, Vodafone Broadband, Vodafone Prepay, NZ Traffic Cams

Rogers Wireless, VideoTron, Traffic Cameras

Dont see your provider? International Users?

QuotaXML is an open standard which allows vendor to create their own provider. Download the free QuotaXML development kit and create your own provider. XML is 100% documented.

You can now add/develop packs using your iPhone and community packs


Please: Send an email to [email protected]

Access these links from with Settings screen
★ Website :-

★ Whirlpool discussion
Available from settings screen

★ Twitter (Live updates of XML update announcements)